Could You Pass the U.S. Citizenship Test?
Hey I'm proud of myself.
You answered 85% of questions correctly.
Check it out. Find out if you could you pass the U.S. citizenship test?
Who is ArcoJedi? A life-journeying Christian, ecstatic husband, proud father of four, web guru, all-around geek and Star Wars fanatic. Read these thoughts that he felt were worthwhile. Then wonder why he thought that way.
Hey I'm proud of myself.
You answered 85% of questions correctly.
Check it out. Find out if you could you pass the U.S. citizenship test?
Etched forever into history by
12:03 AM
So you wanted to be entertained some more? I see. Try this Harry Potter video on for size. This may take just a moment to load. Please wait.
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Etched forever into history by
12:18 AM
Etched forever into history by
11:08 PM
I may be scooping the world on this one as I can find no one talking about it on official or unofficial channels. There is a new technical feature of Blogger's software that I just noticed tonight as I was updating a few posts. This involves the syndication feed that the software publishes. Normally, Blogger will only post an Atom formatted feed. The same help article states near the bottom:
- If you would rather have RSS, give FeedBurner a try.
But as of my last posts, there is also an RSS Feed file being posted at the same time. I cannot find any reference in Blogger Help or anywhere else like Did I notice it first? Yea me! *insert golf clap here*
Update: Digging a little bit further into Blogger Help, I found this reference about RSS that although possibly outdated, makes it clear that at one point you would have been able to post your feed as ATOM or RSS based on if you had a Blogger Pro account.
Note: This is a Blogger Pro feature only; to use RSS as a non-Pro user, try FeedBurner.
Back when Blogger became part of Google, they made all accounts free and phased out the "Blogger Pro" stuff, so I don't know what's going on.
2006-06-11 Update: other bloggers have caught on as well. The dates they posted about it is also listed here. Some scooped this news first, some did not.
Etched forever into history by
12:45 AM