Who is ArcoJedi? A life-journeying Christian, ecstatic husband, proud father of four, web guru, all-around geek and Star Wars fanatic. Read these thoughts that he felt were worthwhile. Then wonder why he thought that way.


ArcoJedi's Delicious Annual Stats 2013

Last year near this time, I posted about Facebook's end of the year review. It was pretty spot on from my point of view at that time. I may do the same thing again here shortly but I wasn't really as impressed this time around.

More personally, I've been planning to write a more general year-end retrospective about 2013. But I'm not really excited about that either. Honestly, in sum total I should call that post "Dénouement 2013" for my honest feelings about the year. There were certainly many good things that happened last year, but parts of it ... not so much. I'm not sure how much I'd like to share about some details yet so that post may take a while.

I did get an unexpected notice from Delicious regarding an annual report of stats for 2013. I've been using this social bookmarking site since 2005 (as mentioned below). I was pleasantly surprised at how well their page was put together and since it may disappear in the next few months, I thought I'd document as much of it as I can here. For as long as it is available check out James Arconati’s Delicious Annual Stats. Now the visuals below may be a bit of a mess, but here we go.

Delicious Annual Report 2013
374 links saved by James Arconati in 2013 on Delicious. (Top 5%)

Joined Delicious in 2005, 4% of links were saved in 2013.


James Arconati’s bookmarking displayed by date. The blue bars at the top show a summary of links saved each week, while the blocks at the bottom show activity by day (the darker the color, the more links were added). How active was James Arconati on the weekends vs. the week? In the spring vs. the fall?

Site Map

James Arconati’s public bookmarks by website.


James Arconati’s activity in 2013 as a tag cloud. The larger the tag, the more often it was used this year.


22 links were discovered and saved by James Arconati before any other user.

Top Find

Slider with Sliding Backgrounds | CSS-Tricks :: James Arconati discovered Slider with Sliding Backgrounds | CSS-Tricks, which was later saved by 58 other Delicious users.

Hot Links
Popular Links - New in 2013
Popular Links - Overall

Thanks for making 2013 so Delicious. Want to keep track of your own bookmarking? It's never to late to join Delicious and bookmark the best of the web.

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Some Other Things to See

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