Who is ArcoJedi? A life-journeying Christian, ecstatic husband, proud father of four, web guru, all-around geek and Star Wars fanatic. Read these thoughts that he felt were worthwhile. Then wonder why he thought that way.


It's Time - This Is My Life

Back in March of this year, I reaffirmed my plan to get drafting out my life story for whatever it is worth. It was my original plan with writing a blog, because at the time that is what I thought a blog was for. I thought it was an autobiography rather than a daily journal or public diary. A distinction does need to be made.

But I strayed from that plan and was really not the worse for wear. But then I read Nikomas' blog and I was inspired. Nik took over a dozen blog posts in a row and specifically made no mention of his day-to-day stuff and just briefly rehashed his whole life. He started right after his father died. I wrote:

Coming right on the heels of his father's tragic death, this depth of digging into one's life and sharing it from beginning to today was very inspiring.

I don't really know if Nik had already planned to write about his background before his father passed away, or if it was related. Either way, it was an unapologetic and revealing look into his past. Although he never stated it, you could feel as if his thoughts of his father were on his mind the whole time.

My son has died, and although it may be imitation, I'm going to do the same as Nik. If you can allow me to use an analogy, I'm going to put away my little pickaxe and small hand shovel. I'm gonna start up the engine on this here giant diesel caterpillar machine and really start to carve something out. Hopefully, it will still look like me when I'm done.

I can't promise I'll be as brief as Nikomas' 14 posts, but when have I ever told a short story? Are you along for the ride? Good? Good.


Unknown said...

I look forward to reading.

ArcoJedi said...

Thanks Nik. :J

Anonymous said...

i would really appreciate it if you left out the incident with the video camera, goat, various and sundry cheeses, dips, creams and blended proteins, holy grails of antioch, and my mom. Thank you.

Also I'm trying to arrange a drink or something. Maybe R. Nelson would like to join...

ArcoJedi said...

Thank you, Mr. Anonymous C. Oy! I was really not sure who you were, since there have been so many different incidents with goats, cheese and so forth. Of course, then you mentioned our mutual friend, 'R Nelson and I knew who you were!

Seriously, I hope the small but growing handful of family and friends who are reading my blog know that I have not lost my head or my sense of humor. It IS still me. I'm okay. I just don't feel like writing about the usual blog stuff like "hey, look at this picture of my cat!" or "check out this video game!"

Besides, I don't even have a cat. ... whatever.


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