Happy Halloween
From everyone at Arconati.us, have a safe and Happy Halloween!
Who is ArcoJedi? A life-journeying Christian, ecstatic husband, proud father of four, web guru, all-around geek and Star Wars fanatic. Read these thoughts that he felt were worthwhile. Then wonder why he thought that way.
From everyone at Arconati.us, have a safe and Happy Halloween!
Etched forever into history by
11:59 PM
Etched forever into history by
3:00 AM
Here are three javascript feeds from my del.icio.us account.
This setting pulls all posts with both tags and extended. Count is set to 3 and they are sorted alphabetically.
This setting pulls all posts. Count is set to 3 and they are sorted chronologically.
This setting pulls all posts tagged with "funny" & "images". Count is set to 3 and they are sorted chronologically.
Etched forever into history by
11:12 PM
My blog is worth $564.54.
How much is your blog worth?
Etched forever into history by
8:23 PM
Does the world know about us? Check out these places:
Etched forever into history by
10:28 PM
Today is a happy day for my inner geek. I've mentioned Google Pagerank before. Though it can be argued that it should not be used as the sole measurement of a site's success or recognition in the search engine, it is after all an indication direct from Google's servers rating a site on an exponential 10-point scale. Many webmasters I have seen struggle for awhile just attempting to get past PR 1 or 2. Well as of today, I have noted that the home page of Arconati.us now has a PR of 3!! Not exactly world famous, but a small step in that direction.
Reminds me, perhaps I should be following my statistics to see what kind of traffic I'm getting and where it is coming from, eh? D'OH!! Also makes me wonder where I'd be if I wasn't recreating the site from scratch after the unforeseen and forgiveable issues with the Hermess.org server. I could have just uploaded it as it was and modified it from there, but ... ah, reinvention is bliss!
What is even more interesting is that this page here has a PR or 1. My brother's site - Mudhorny.com - also has a page rank of 1. It even looks like Sparky's site - Hermess.org - is up to PR of 2 possibly from me linking to it in my header. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself there... At any rate, I'm doing something right. Mostly, I have the training I've gotten from where I work; shopping cart provider - MonsterCommerce.com; for all the techniques I've used.
Etched forever into history by
10:15 PM
Hey, I found a blog here - Barco's Blog - posted by a Bill Arconati. I don't know any Bill off the top of my head, but it sounds familiar, like one of my Dad's cousins. I'll have to ask Dad about it later. At any rate, this would be great, as I'd wish to link to his site assuming we are related. I mean, we'd almost have to be, assuming he lives in the country.
At any rate, I found this page using Blogger's Blog Search page.
Etched forever into history by
9:15 PM
1 responses
The Arconati.us site has received some more updates, most noted would be an automatically updated set of links to new articles on the ZiffDavis network - eWeek.com.
Oh, and thanks to Mark 'Logzilla' Logsdon for the chant mentioned above.
Etched forever into history by
8:18 PM
Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate;
The first one said, "My it's getting late."
The second one said, "There are witches in the air."
The third one said, "But we don't care."
The fourth one said, "Let's run and run and run."
The fifth one said, "It's Halloween fun."
"Wooooooo" went the wind,
And out went the lights.
These five little pumpkins ran out of sight.
--Author Unknown
Etched forever into history by
12:31 AM
Read and live.
Here are a few things I know – and you should know — about the internet:Dangerous places to meet people are in chat rooms and other open forums. It’s always a mistake to assume that anyone you meet on the internet is who they say they are, or, that their messages to you are true.
- The internet is exactly the wrong place to make details about your personal plans available to the public.
- Predators look for easy and vulnerable prey. They are always scanning.
- If you make your personal details public, and are willing to form relationships based on contacts you make over the internet — you are vulnerable.
Etched forever into history by
12:36 PM
Their web page is available again. But you won't find much.
The WinMX software is no longer available.
Interested in more information or would you like to continue using this software? Check the instructions at Slyck News from September 23rd - Resurrecting WinMX
Etched forever into history by
4:24 PM
Curses! Man, that is a fun word to say. Just try it: "CURSES!!" Usually, you picture this word being uttered by maniacal over-the-top villians in a comic book or cartoon. However, I've been saying it a few times lately and it is not because I've been up to any villiany (not that I'd blog about it if I was - mwu-hahah).
The reason I've been saying it lately has to do with our television. There's nothing wrong with our television, really, it's great and works fine. However, we have DishNetwork. Along with our package they also included PVR.
PVR stands for Person Video Recorder and is the feature that allows you to pause and rewind live TV. Essentially this is Tivo, if you 'kennit? Not that PVR is going to bring about world peace or anything, but it has really opened our eyes a bit and changed the way that we view TV. We commonly will start a show but pause it, take a break to eat dinner, answer the phone, go to the store and then come back and start from where we left and miss nothing. The interface on how to do this is pretty simple, with options like a VCR or DVD player.
What's the really cool secret to all this is that there is a 'skip forward' button that jumps about 25 seconds or so into the recorded content. As you can probably imagine, this comes in handy for commercials. We pause a show, go in the other room and come back and then skip a commercial. Watch the show for a while and then at the next commercial hit the skip button for this one too. As long as there is built-up time in the queue, then you can continue to skip ahead. The problem comes when the content you are skipping through catches up with "Live TV" and you can't skip forward any more. It even pops up a little message to let you know you've caught up to live TV which says "Live TV". This is the moment my villainous retort can be heard.
Curse you, Live TV. Curse you to heck.
Etched forever into history by
7:58 PM